Summary (Innovative Face Mask) Draft 2

 According to the article “ ‘Helloface’ is an innovative transparent alternative to Type IIR NE14683 medical face masks made up of a 3-ply construction that prevents large particles from reaching patients”, written by University of Hertfordshire (2022). The usage of masks greatly increased during the Covid 19 Pandemic and the creator of Helloface, Dean Ezekiel found that face masks were creating an obstacle for talking between people, thus he launched a new company to face that problem by producing clear face masks. The plan to start the company was inspired by his wife who is partially deaf and needed lip reading to help her understand when she could not hear the person. Dean understood that being able to communicate via lip reading and face expression is important as there are 11 million people in the UK registered as deaf or blind and it would help in the medical sector and industries where facial recognition is crucial.

The article emphasizes why having facial recognition is crucial for communication in the medical sector due to the large number of people being deaf or having difficulty in hearing. Having a typical mask to prevent Covid 19 may be effective but having a clear face mask where others can be able to read your lips may be more essential for people who are deaf or have difficulty in hearing.


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